speaker stands--general considerations

Of the myriad audiophile topics that come up here, I haven't noticed any real discussion recently of speaker stands.  What gives?  Does everyone own floorstanders?

I mean, there's plenty of room for disagreement, errr, discussion.  Optimal height?  Material of manufacture: metal (which), wood, other?  Single material or mix?  Design: single upright, multiple uprights, open top or top plate?  Over-engineered and heavy, or minimalistic and light-weight?  Interface between the monitor and the stand: high-tech gizmo, cork, nothing at all, Blu-tack, other?  Mass loading--yes or no?  If yes, kiln-dried sand or kitty litter, or lead buckshot?  Brands?  Best?  Best bang for the buck?
In general I prefer towers, but not all listening environments are suited for them. Take my secondary bedroom system. Each time I listen, due to space/storage/walking lane constraints, I need to move the right speaker five feet from its dormant position to its optimal in-room listening position. Using Pangea LS300 sand-filled, bluTack secured stands to Spendor D1 mini monitors, it takes 30 seconds, including measuring with tape measure from side and front walls to match the distances of the left speaker (which is out of the way enough to remain in constant position).

Doing that with towers would be much more cumbersome, and for that reason I’d probably end up listening less.

Have been impressed with the BlueTack. I used a lot to really snug the speakers to the stands. On initial installation I accidentally pulled too hard on a connected speaker cable and toppled the speaker and stand, but the speaker ended up falling to rest against a plastic bin (those plastic storage tubs) and the BlueTack held so that the stand did not break away from the speaker, which would have caused damage as the stand would have fallen completely to the floor and the speaker then would have fallen down onto the metal stand on the floor, surely scratching the speaker at a minimum if not damaging the drivers. When they came to rest, the speaker and stand were probably at about at 45 degree angle. As it was, no damage because speaker side just stopped against the plastic tub, and the bluTack held. Thankfully! I woulda been really pissed at myself for not paying attention if that BluTack wouldn’t have held!! Granted, Spendor D1 mini monitors are small and light.
I would think most of the guys on here have floor standing speakers. I feel most in general are to unsteady. 
     The responses on this thread topic just illustrates the different approaches we all take with our systems; stand mounted monitor or floor standing type speakers, restricted low frequency or full range speakers, with subs or without, etc. 
      It also demonstrates that there's more than one way to skin a cat, which btw I no longer enjoy due to all the blood, screeching and clawing.
