speaker suggestions for modest arcam alpha system

hi, I have very recently changed my system with a used arcam alpha 7se cd player and alpha 9 integrated amp...these two pieces and a pair of paradigm monitor 7v2s are my whole main system....i am considering changing my speakers (although i am not unhappy with them, just want to use them with my old amp (NAD T751) in a seperate home theatre setup) and i was wondering if any of the low-end-mid-fi gurus out there could suggest a good match for this modest setup.

the listening/living room is 8'Hx12'Wx16'L. my listening position is about 3.5' from back wall and about 9.5' from speakers which are along the 12' dimension of room (only way to make room work).

I love the look of floorstanding speakers but probably don't need them in my listening enivronment.

I mainly listen to modern rock, acoustic rock, vintage blues and some electronica...periodically i listen to vivalldi's 4 seasons, which is the only piece of classical music that i own

my price point is $600 to $800 (incl. stands if bookshelf variety) and prefer used gear (my cd player and amp costed $650 total after shipping, used)

any suggestions would be great, thanks, Mark
I ran across your post(I'm new to this list) but if you haven't listened to Totem's speakers I'd surely recommend them. My stereo guru friend and I went to the hi-fi show here in San Francisco a few years ago and we were absolutely blown away by these rather humble and smallish speakers. Perhaps you're already familiar with them. Good luck in your search. BTW, I have an Arcam Alpha 7 SE, as well. I'm very pleased with its sonics.
Martin Roberts
arthurchoice, you are running the N805 with the Arcam Alpha 8 amp and Alpha 7 cd? You'll better get better electronics for your speakers!

My first system was the Arcam Alpha 10 integrated and Alpha 8 cd player with B&W CDM 1SE speakers. That was about 6 years back and the Arcam electronics are all gone now. I've upgraded the Arcam to Classe CAP-100 midway through and it transformed my system to a much higher league. The Classe is definitely much better than the Arcam. Having said that, I've just upgraded to the Audio Research D130 earlier this year.

M_Laken. I suggest you go for brighter-sounding speakers as the Arcam itself is warm and laidback in nature. Although the B&W's are rather bright speakers but the Arcam-B&W combination was indeed too warm for my taste. Thiel and Proac could be good choices.
Ryder, thanks for the suggestion. In fact, just last week I was looking at upgrading to an Alpha 10 amp. What is the weakest part of my system? The CD or amp? Any suggestions on better electronics would be greatly appreciated.
arthurchoice,the Alpha 10 integrated will definitely be a huge improvement over your Alpha 8. It is much more powerful than the Alpha 8. The result will be improved dynamics across the music spectrum with noticeably better bass control and highs. You won't be disappointed if you consider upgrading to this amp.

However do bear in mind that there will be better amps out there that will give a better(or different?) sound. If you like the Alpha 8, you won't go wrong with the 10. Anyway if you have the budget, I would recommend the Classe CAP-151(over the Alpha 10) to partner with your N805.

As for your system, it is obvious that your speakers are the single strongest link and both your amp and source the weakest. I still can't believe you're using them to drive your wonderful speakers! You should really get better electronics to do some justice to the N805.

Whatever your decision, good luck.
Your Paradigm's are not bad speakers. I would add a nice Hsu subwoofer and use the extra money to buy some music. The Hsu sub will make a HUGH difference. You will be amazed. But if you are determined to buy new speakers, go with the Vandersteen 1C's. One of the best values in all of audio.