Choice of a long-term speaker depends on what limitations you are willing to accept. For me the choice was easy.
Quad ESL (the originals). Bought them as a "kit" (frame, transformers and new panels which had to be soldered together) from Q Audio in Cambridge, MA 40 years ago, Still one of, if not the, best mid-ranges available, As Hi-Fi News & Record Reviews wrote in the early 2000s, Greatest Speaker of All Time.
Limitations: many, including output level, deep bass, high treble, narrow dispersion both horizontal and vertical. But for me, those don't matter much, although I have added a DIY 24" Hartley dipole subwoofer and recently trying out Townshend super tweeters, for a sort of hafl-assed HQD system. The Quads were refurbished a few years ago by Electrostatic Solutions, which does improve their dynamic range somewhat..
Over time, everything in front of them has changed, but those remain constant. I am not alone: Robin Wyatt of Robyatt Audio uses Quads (57s and 63s) at audio shows with equipment costing multiple times the price of the speakers (Butler Monad mono blocks, Technics SP10R and Garrard 501 turntables, etc.), and consistently gets voted top ten best sounding system awards.