
Responses from bolong

Karen Carpeneter died 42 years ago.
The Carpenters were that kind of group that many of my friends wanted to shun because they were a bit kitschy, but many of them finally caved pleading, in effect, that even tough guys need a puppy; and it didn't hurt that the puppy could croon lik... 
Power conditioners and power regeneration
I notice the Stromtank uses lithium-iron-phospate batteries. Does this mean it has to be 50ft. from flammable structures when charging as with EV's in some jurisdictions?  
There Is Nothing Like the Real Thing - Our State of the Art
Whenever I attend a live musical performance I always find myself wondering what the performance sounds like to the musicians on stage and especially so when there are a lot of musicians on stage. They are often hemmed in by nearby musicians and t... 
If I ever stop dreaming, you will know that I have died.  
Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers
Divorce is like adjusting gain.  
Once the ganfet amps came in the door cabling in general became much more of an audible factor for me.  
Who positions their speakers straight ahead (zero tow in) and why.
My listening living room has one feature that throws another wrench into the equation - adjustable sidewall "vanes" in the form of adjustable room window/door slats - the old fashioned wooden slats that can be angularly adjusted with the pull of a... 
Time of Day for best Sound
We are regarding the state of our neural circuitry to be part and parcel of our sound system, right? If not, it’s high time we did. This is how many of our favorite musicians operated.  
Time of Day for best Sound
Of course, what strain of cannapacitors you are using has its effect on sound too.  
Time of Day for best Sound
As my system has become more hi-fi it seems to have mostly overruled vagaries in the electric grid. I used to specify late night listening for maximum music, but now I often find that even high demand periods like dinner time can sound very good e... 
What is the science behind audiophile fuses?
Let's assume for a moment that we know what the "filler" is in an Audiomagic M2 fuse. Some rumor that it is graphene loaded beeswax. Can anyone here scientifically speculate about the effects thereof? I know how the fuse sounds, but how would it ... 
What is the science behind audiophile fuses?
Re: blowing audiophile fuses. One of my tube preamps will blow a touchy audiophile fuse if the amp's feeding component (dac in this case) is turned on while turning on on the tube amp. In this situation the dac is first turned off before turning o... 
Who positions their speakers straight ahead (zero tow in) and why.
Sometimes getting goofy pays off. It's what I like about this hobby.  
With the Jay's Audio CDT Mk 3 I have become enamored with the 4x upsampling toggle. I would now always prefer a transport that has such options.  
OCD mickey website and negativity.
Most fascinating thing about Mikey is that he as neurotic as hell. It is abating somewhat as he ages, but I always watch him as an instructional video about what happens when a hobby gets out of hand. Recently, it looks to me like he has started t...