Speaker toe-in & stereo imaging

Recommendations seem to range from turning the front LR speakers to face the prime listening area directly to slightly turning the speakers in toward the prime listening area. What do you use, or is this question too speaker specific?

I'm going to be using a pair of bi-wired KEF Reference 104/2s for the front LR speakers, along with a pair of Velodyne HGS-10 subs crossing over at 50 Hz.

When I ran Uni-Q equipped KEF's, zero toe-in provided locked in, pinpoint imaging across and within the soundstage. Watching the KEF's images was almost as much fun as listening! Toed in, the KEF's treble seemed a little too much in my face.
Thanks for the informative responses. I do not yet have the pair of 104/2s (they are being shipped), and have never heard these speakers. I bought the pair based on reviews I've read, and on experience with my four 102/2s and 100C. I really like the sound of my bi-wired 102/2s and 100C, and they blend seamlessly with my Velodyne HGS-10. I realize that the 104/2s do not have the Uni-Q HF driver, whereas the 102/2s do. Even though the pair of 104/2s are said to be late serial number bi-wired units, I doubt they will come with a manual. I plan to add a second HGS-10, and a techie at KEF suggested setting the crossover at 50 Hz -- I use 80 Hz with the 102/2s.

Just a few thoughts to add to those above:
A speakers crossover point (and woofer dispersion/size) will also effect toe in especially since some 2 way units will drive their woofers above 4K. The beaming that results will cause a greater variation in the upper mids between on axis & off axis response.
The distance from the speaker pair & the proximity of the side walls can also be very significant. Trying a variety of positions is the key. Changing the location, height or angle of a speaker usually changes the sound far more than many often spoken of tweeks or cable changes.
It is such an easy thing to test yourself with your own speakers in your own room, it is speaker and room specific.

In my experience most box type speakers with tweeter etc sound best overall with toe in about half way between straight ahead and directly pointing at listener. If speakers are very close together less toe in required. Want best compromise of wide sound stage but solid deep center.
I usually start with no toe in and go from there. If your speakers are on the brighter side you will most likely use very little toe in.