Hiphiphan wrote: "I have the Raidho D3.1 (I purchased them used; I’m not wealthy). Is the SuperStand, which contains the back-firing driver, compatible with a floor-standing speaker such as this?"
Duke replies: Very nice speakers!!
I have not tried adding extra rear-firing energy to a wide-pattern speaker like your Raidho’s. So at this point I’d have to say, I don’t know yet. I can think of arguments both ways, but such arguments pale into insignificance compared with the certainty of actually trying it. I hope to find out some day.
(The Sonus Faber Aida, their current top-of-the-line model, uses what looks like a rear-firing mini-monitor. The Sonus Faber loudspeaker [a previous top model introduced in 2009] also used a rear-firing mini-monitor. So it MIGHT work well with your Raidho, but I’m not sure... to a certain extent it depends on the "voicing" of the Raidho.)
Hiphiphan: "And how does The Swarm Subwoofer system fit in (or is it not compatible with the SuperStand)?"
Each SuperStand incorporates a passive subwoofer, in the top half of the "notch", so a pair of them are essentially one-half of a Swarm.
Duke replies: Very nice speakers!!
I have not tried adding extra rear-firing energy to a wide-pattern speaker like your Raidho’s. So at this point I’d have to say, I don’t know yet. I can think of arguments both ways, but such arguments pale into insignificance compared with the certainty of actually trying it. I hope to find out some day.
(The Sonus Faber Aida, their current top-of-the-line model, uses what looks like a rear-firing mini-monitor. The Sonus Faber loudspeaker [a previous top model introduced in 2009] also used a rear-firing mini-monitor. So it MIGHT work well with your Raidho, but I’m not sure... to a certain extent it depends on the "voicing" of the Raidho.)
Hiphiphan: "And how does The Swarm Subwoofer system fit in (or is it not compatible with the SuperStand)?"
Each SuperStand incorporates a passive subwoofer, in the top half of the "notch", so a pair of them are essentially one-half of a Swarm.