Speaker Upgrade Help Please

I like my sound, but am ready to upgrade from my Dynaudio Focus 220s mrk1.

My system is:
Krell 400xi integrated
Oppo 95
REL B1 Sub
Nordost Blue Heaven XLR interconnects
Morpheaus Black Cat speaker cables
Cardas Golden Cross powercord

The system is used for 30% home theater, and the rest an even balance of classical, jazz, rock.

My challenges include:
- large space with with 14 ft ceilings and almost 6,000 cubic feet to fill.
- the speakers must be forgiving in terms of placement, including close to the back wall, about 10"
- have a somewhat small footprint due to the back wall issue
- Budget $3-5K used

Thanks for any suggestions!

Showing 2 responses by springbok10

Are there corners? You can have my mint Allison 3's that are 30 years old but till unsurpassed in corners and are pure wood:)
Here are rare speakers that are not monitors and designed for near wall placement:

North Creek Big Kat Revelators
