Speaker Variety / Interim Recommendation

I am looking for some speaker ideas.  About a year ago, in the middle of covid, I rediscovered my stereo system.  I have had Adcom equipment and some old KEF Reference Model 1 speakers, most of which I purchased about 20 years ago.  Long story short, last year I ended up upgrading to a few Moon components (390/330) and couldn't be happier.  This in turn has led me to upgrade some of my accessories ( racks and cables ).  I am also now also super happy with my second system, ELAC Unifi 5.2 speakers being driven by my old Adcom 5500.  My new primary system is fantastic and I have listened to both systems I think non-stop this past year.  However, I feel my KEF speakers in my main system are definitely now the weak link and I want to experience a different sound.  I ultimately am eyeing the Focal Kanta 2 in the long run, but I am going to have a different main listening room hopefully in about 2 years and want to make sure I know what that room is before making that type of investment.  But, I have been having so much fun with my system, and I also am super impatient, so I want to upgrade my speakers sooner than later and am contemplating trying something out for a year or two until I am in my new housing situation.  I  want something that has a different sound that I can experience from my current set up and I can only think to describe what I want as maybe something more lively than my KEFs.  I also feel my KEFs get distorted pretty quick those times when I go a bit louder.  I listen to rock, jazz, acoustic, vocals, instrumental, some classical, etc.  - a somewhat typical mix.  Not a lot of heavy metal, hip hop or electronic, but some.  I mostly stream from Qobuz, Sonos Radio HD, Spotify, Radio Paradise (which is just awesome by the way, if you have not checked it out I highly recommend) and some CDs.  Not doing the Vinyl thing.  Appreciate any thoughts.  


I can add a few more to check out, Usher Mini-Diamond 2's, Triangle line of floor standers, Fyne stand mount and floor standers, Spatial Audio floor standers, and Legacy Calibre stand mount.

If you can, check out Joseph Audio, Vandersteen, and Usher speakers.  They’re right up there wit ProAc IMHO and will just come down to personal preference and system synergy.  All of them are awesome.  Best of luck!

I am definitely looking into the Arias, I like that suggestion.  I have not looked at the ProAc just yet, but will.  Anyone have any thoughts on the Buchardt S400, or are those maybe too small for my room size?

I've heard amazing things about Zu. Yes, really sensitive, but really high impedance as well. Can handle up to 300 watts. Your amp should pair nicely. I would definitely put them on a shortlist.

I would also check out ProAc. I love mine.

Thanks for the ideas.  Any thoughts anyone on Zu Audio speakers and how they would pair with my amp?  I am unclear if a higher sensitivity speaker may not be the right fit. 

Given your tastes and affinity for Focal and Kef, why not look at the Kef Q and R series.  They are very good speakers for the money.  You could also consider the Focal Arias.  Neither is quite in the same league as the Kantas in terms of sound quality, but also, both are much less expensive and a good value.  

Ohm Walsh’s are worth checking out! I have an older pair of the Cylinders in my front room system. Amazing 3-D room-filling sound with seemingly unlimited headroom!