Speaker Wires on Carpet

I was reading that carpet will interfere with the signal going through speaker wires if the wires are on the carpet. I was wondering if the amount of interference varies depending on whether the positive and negative wires are twisted together versus running straight and parallel to each other. Also, will certain types of wire jackets cut down on interfence?

I ask this because I have wires running next to the base boards on the floor in my (carpeted) dining room since that's the most unobtrusive place for them. I may consider some type of wire elevators if they are reasonably priced and look nice.

Thanks in advance for any advice.
This is very simple tweak to test because it can be done real time while music is playing without disconnecting anything, no need to talk in theory. On a couple ocassions with group of people present no one could hear any real difference when any of my speaker cables were lifted off carpet.

There may be some cables that can benefit but none of mine did......I use many other tweaks that do work for me, so I am not anti-tweak.
Looks like I generated a lively discussion. :-)

Let me repeat one of my questions: does it make any difference if the positive and negative runs are twisted together (as they are in many inwall wires) or are running straight and parallel? I thought I remember reading that the twisted configuration was designed to cancel out interference.
I've been wondering if ceramic is a good choice for the elevators How does it deal with mechanical vibrations?

I know that some wire makers like to use a shear cotton insulator for there wire instead of plastic or teflon. Would a fluffy Disneyland type cotton monorail running under the speaker cable be as good?
No disrepect, to everone that can't believe cable isolaters work. I think you have to consider the cable route and shielding. I have Kimber Bifocal XL's over a berber carpet. When I added glazed ceramic elevators it improved or removed smear from what I thought was a great sounding system. I tried the experiement on my wife who could care less and she felt the elevators improved the sound. I'm in the data communications industry and cable type is critical in data communications for speed and accuracy. Also as everyone knows the cable route can effect sound. Like every thing in this hobby a person should experiement for themselves. Some improvements are real some are imagined(placebo effect). At the end of the day any tweaks that improves your listening pleasure is valid to YOU.

Enjoy your system Tweak reasonably.
Socprof, Rushton is right. Carpets will charge your wires
with static current. Twisting the cable conductor would not help reject static, that would only reject RFI.
Cable elevators will help, you can also check the Nordost Cables webpage. They sell a product that you apply to the cables to minimize this problem. You may also want to the
check the Cardas Cables webpage, this subject is also explained there in "plain english". Hope this hepls.