Rrog, Thiel recommends 50-250 Watts for the 3.5's, with the possibility that in some circumstances 25 or 300 Watts might be appropriate (8 Ohm load rating assuming ss w/ the ability to double down). Remember these Thiels don't drop below 4 Ohms. Vandersteen recommends 40-160 Watts (8 Ohm rating). Your point is well taken, the minimum recommendations will not play these speakers to their full potential, and are probably only suited for small rooms without big SPL expectations. Again the used cost of these speakers allows for the expense of more powerful amplification as might be needed.
Unlike the Thiels and Vandersteens there is no available support for the Meadowlarks, or for that matter Dunlavy's (which at this price point would only include models with less bass capability and yet more physical size).
Unlike the Thiels and Vandersteens there is no available support for the Meadowlarks, or for that matter Dunlavy's (which at this price point would only include models with less bass capability and yet more physical size).