Speakers and air-conditioning

Can air-conditioning have a negative effect on speakers? I suspect that it can, but I want to get some others' input.

Believe it or not, a superficial googling of the subject ("speaker air conditioning") didn't bring up anything relevant.

My sense is that it can be too effective against humidity (for our purposes), and dry out speakers to the point that SQ is negatively affected. I would guess that any circuitry or current-bearing wiring might also be chilled to the point that they need some warm-up time to get back to normal after periods of air-conditioned slumber. Do I think I may be hearing some of this in my often-air-conditioned speakers? I do. But I'd like some confirmation or input from people with more experience/insight/expertise.

Of course, generally speaking, it's our friend; I know my amplifier likes it. But I'm not sure it's my speakers' friend. And when it's hot out, my speakers are often in an air-conditioned environment.
I found central a/c fine, but window units are too noisy...attic fans can completely undermine the sound, and ceiling fans create a "Leslie" effect.
Bthogan, On the serious side, rain storms also tend to cool things off and A/C units cycle on less, taking some of the strain off of the power grid. Some of the other serious comments are possible too, but power was the first thought I had while reading you post.
I'm breaking in a pair of Polk LSi9s, and my main complaint about them is that they sound dry (acoustically). I'm kind of grasping at straws in terms of causes, and looking for hope that it'll go away. I run my a/c all day, even when I'm not at home (I have my reasons). So I was considering whether the dehumidifying function of my a/c - which I, personally, can't do without - might also be drying out my speakers (physically), and contributing to the dry acoustic quality.

That's where this came from. Speakers are slowly warming up. Also, I may need a more powerful amp (got an Adcom GFA-545, getting a McCormack DNA-1 or Parasound HCA-1500A).

These Polks have more detail, and better imaging/presentation, than what they're replacing (EFE Technology, forget the model, they're great but they lose detail and the treble breaks a bit), but they're...dry.