Get newer amp.Use NAD in second sytem.If you can swing Unison Unico or Pathos Classic II (both hybrids with 75 wpc+/-) or my EAR 324 with 40 watts you'd have better sound for newer speakers.Always comes down to money right?Good values in efficient speakers include Silverline and Hyperion,some like newcomer Zu.Instead of B&W 805's (I used to sell them till 2001) I'd pick Revel monitors.If going for broke stick Brit and get Harbeth.But for value look at Usher 719's,Silverline,Totem,Quad etc.Give a budget.One thing I find is a real fine room treatment (other than ASC tube traps which has low WAF) istreating wall Behind speakers with sonex tile,wood diffuser or even a rug.But as always these choices are deiced by budget and what's nearby to hear unless you want to follow us or online mags.I like 6moons choices even though they leave out some I like (There hot on Gallo's with you can get for less than $2K,have incredible wide dispersion tweeters,and decent 35Hrz bass and 20 hrz with added $1K amp).But again look for spending some bucks on companies mentioned that offer a lot for buck as mentioned above.