Speakers for Bryston

Suggestions for speakers that mate well with Bryston electronics?

Running Bryston BCD-1 CDP, BDA-1 DAC, BP25 pre, and 4BSST amp.

I tend to listen to jazz, classical, vocal and instrumental music.. and, of course, a smattering of everything else! I don't usually listen at loud volumes.

Thanks in advance!
Really anything they are good amps.

I demoed the Revel Salon 2 on a full bryston front end today that included the 4BSST2 and it sounded very nice. The system was very balance top to bottom with great bass extension and detail. The high got a little bright at times but were still very good. The voices were some of the clearest I have ever heard on any system. The system really was the total package. If I had to say anything negative about it (really hard to do) I would have wanted a little more bass impact. Other than that it sounded great.
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ATC SCM20 and up. ATC's are audiophile speakers that can actually use the full clean power of Bryston 4B without sounding the least bit dull or distorted or congested.