speakers for classical music

Would like to hear from classical music listeners as to best floorstanders for that genre. B&W 803's sound good but want to get input with regard to other possibilities.
I listen to classical symphonic and chamber.As fr large symphonic music stick to dynamic speakers,electrostatic like quads do not have the dynamic range.I listen at home to two different speakers both are good but one is outstanding,provides the sense of been there in the orchestra hall.This are the German Physics Lorerely speakers too draw backs ,cost,and require large room.The second speakers,ie bedroom set are pretty good non fatiguing full range and these are the JM Lab Utopias,much cheaper than the German Physics.What ever you do you will need large speakers with well integrated sub section,separate sub woofers are seldom integrated properly.Sufficient audio output and speed/impact at the low end is essential for the sense of realism in combination with non fatiguing midrange.
Good luck.
If the speaker does classical music well it should do rock and jazz just as well, else it has some sort of rather serious flaw. It would only a matter of time before a classical recording would show up that flaw big time (try an original press of side 6 of Das Reingold conducted by Solti on Decca- if a speaker can play that right it will be good on any kind of music made). Trust me on this one- the speaker had better not care too much what flavor of music you listen to! As soon as it does, it is revealing its colorations/deficiencies.

BTW this is the same for all parts of the reproduction chain.
I am now totally off B&W speakers, because I kept destroying them! I had the 803D.


If you like to drive speakers loud and particuarly realistic dynamics/spl then this is generally what happens. Go horns or pro speakers would be my suggestion. Consumer designs generally are never required nor do they claim to reproduce realistic music levels so it is unfair to push them so hard.