speakers for krell 400xi

listen to jazz and am interested in anyone with the int.krell and what speakers run well with unit...
I've heard that it mates well with VS VR series speakers but haven't actually heard the combo. I have a 2250 and 280P that I use with Energy Veritas speakers with very nice results.
I'm useing the B&W 803s with the KAV-400xi and it seems to be a very good combination (High-powered amp. w/High efficiency speakers). I find this Amp. to be very neutral as well as the 803s.
I've also heard this Amp. paired with SF Cremona, Krell Res. 2 + Revel F32, all combinations sounded very good to me, with the B&Ws edging-out on detail & imaging.
Sonus Faber Concerto Grand Piano floorstanders!!!!!!!!!
With the Krell 300CD to go with. Superb combo.

"(High-powered amp. w/High efficiency speakers). "

If your talking about B&W your way off...Impedance swings are what you need to look at, not the 90db they would have you believe in their literature. I wouldn't categorize any B&W as high efficiency by any stretch of the imagination.