Speakers for Lamm ML2.1

I am pretty close to making a decision on speakers for my Lamm ML2.1. I listen to jazz and classical music mainly. Front end is currently Wadia but will probably switch to EMM set up. I have a Budget of $50,000 for the speakers. I usually prefer to buy new. Room size is currenly 20x21 with 9 ft ceiling, however custom room once the speakers are bought. Wanted to hear from experianced audiophiles on which direction they would go.

comments appreaciated
thx andy
For 50K, you could buy Jtinn's used Kharma midi exquisite (originally bought by Tenor Audio) and buy a new Kharma ceramique sub to go with it. Valin called this the best stereo system in combination with your Lamm ML2.1.
i've just gone thru a similar decision process......but not limited to the ML2.1 amps.

i do have the Midi Exquisites that Thom-y suggests as loaners while my ordered VR9's are being built. if my room were a little smaller i would (possibly) keep these Midi's.....they are quite remarkable. they at least match and likely improve on all the coherence of the CRM 3.2 Kharmas but are more dynamic and extended at both ends. my only reservation for you would be their 4ohm load for the ML2.1's.

i would second jtinn's recommendation of the VR9. at 95db efficiency and with the 1000 watt integrated sub it would be an excellent match with your Lamm. i'll have mine in a few weeks......feel free to fly on out to Seattle to hear both the Midi's and the VR9's together (assuming jtinn doesn't sell them between now and then) in my room.

a $50k investment is worth the time and plane fare.
If your room were larger I would strongly consider Siemens Bionors, which the ML2.1s will drive beautifully. Few drivers, simple crossover.
Andy, i own the Tenor 300 watt hybrids, and currently have the DarTZeel NHB-108 Stereo ss amp in my room. at CES i heard the VR9's on the DarTZeel and was very impressed. both the Tenors and DarTZeel trade strength for strength. the Tenor's are a hybrid that does not sound like tubes or solid state and the DarTZeel particularly does not sound like solid state.

i am looking forward to comparing these two amps on the VR9's.

these two amps, along with your ML2.1's; are three different versions of amplifier perfection. all three are quite neutral, all three are among the most refined and nuanced amps i've heard, and each has it's own version of proper dynamics and frequency extention.

......it would come down to taste and system synergy.