Speakers for vocalists

Just a short question on any suggestions on speakers that people think are particularly strong for vocal reproductions. Any suggestions are welcome.
Hi Bryanhod,

The best I've heard are Harbeth's, in particular the M30 and M40.

Good luck,
Apogee or Maggies IMHO...I own Apogee but could live with Maggies if I had to.

If your interest in voice is tonal as opposed to high resolution/pin point stereo imaging look at the Spendor line - the up side is they are know for their ability to portray voices well and they are easy to drive. If you also want pin point imaging look at Silverlines but they are revealing enuf to cause you to be careful about what you use to drive them. And FWIW I'm enjoying some Tyler Linbrooks I'm presently breaking in.
Much of the appeal of full-range electrostats such as Quads (old & new), Martin Logan CLS series, and Sound Labs (which I peddle) is their natural-sounding reproduction of the human voice.

Not that 'stats are the only type that can do vocals well, but it is an area in which they shine.