Speakers for vocalists

Just a short question on any suggestions on speakers that people think are particularly strong for vocal reproductions. Any suggestions are welcome.
I just learned of some further analogies between biological structure and multidriver speaker systems. The little hairs of the inner ear which sense sound vibrations came in three types: long, medium, and short, sensitive to low, mid, and high frequency, respectively. But even more interesting, after the vibrations have been converted to electrical signals and transmitted to the brain via the cochlear nerve, processing of the signal is accomplished in two physically separate areas of the brain, high frequency in one area and low frequency in the other.
Suits_me..."like a Heil". Just one more example of technology mimicking biology.
Majority of time/phase coherent speakers are outstanding with vocals...Vandersteen,Green Mountain,Meadowlark,etc...Maggies are also very good with vocals...actually,,,it a speaker doesnt excel at vocals...it isnt a hi-end speaker in my estimation...
I am a bit surprised that nobody mentioned Sonus Faber. I have a Magnaplanar 1.6QR someone mentioned here(very good, very natural with excellent texture). Heard the Avantgarde Uno horn (fantastic presence like you are amongst the musician, literally). And other speakers. IMHO, the best vocal comes from Sonus Faber because it just sounded so 'right'.