I haven't heard the very pricey monitors, but I love my Joseph Audio RM7 si. Stereophile's speaker of the year 2002. In your price range. Currently there are four for sale on the 'gon which is very unusaul. These were so hard to find used when I got mine used 5 yrs ago. Still loving 'em. They should be a good match for your Unision Unico.
Speakers in the 1000 dollar range....
I am a newbie to the world of high end audio equipment however, I do listen to a lot of music and I do know what sounds good.
Any recommendations for speakers ? I guess I'm looking for something in the &1000 range that would be a good match for the Unision Unico which I purchased recently? I listen mostly to classical music and good realistic sound stage, transparency and accurate uncolored sound is important. I'd like nice tight bass...not overly heavy, mushy. And of course a solid mid-range and clear, effortless , non-strident highs are important too.
In my opinion voice, piano and violins are the hardest to reproduce realistically.
I am looking for speakers that go on stands since I live in an apartment building. Probably 12" wide by say +/- 18" in height for size.
Is this too much to ask in a speaker?
Any recommendations for speakers ? I guess I'm looking for something in the &1000 range that would be a good match for the Unision Unico which I purchased recently? I listen mostly to classical music and good realistic sound stage, transparency and accurate uncolored sound is important. I'd like nice tight bass...not overly heavy, mushy. And of course a solid mid-range and clear, effortless , non-strident highs are important too.
In my opinion voice, piano and violins are the hardest to reproduce realistically.
I am looking for speakers that go on stands since I live in an apartment building. Probably 12" wide by say +/- 18" in height for size.
Is this too much to ask in a speaker?