How much difference make speakers jumper cables in the quality of sound ?
Which speakers jumper cables are sensiblely best ?

I really have the hots for the Nordost Odin II Bi wire Jumper Cables but as it turns out I don’t have $13,999 lying around at the present time.
I would assume the preferred arrangement is to connect the cable from the power amp onto the upper-driver binding posts, then jumper from there over to the low frequency driver posts. Is that how ya’ll do it?
Yes. But if you really want good sound then use two full pairs of same cables 
Jumpers are a step up from the manufacturer supplied jumpers. Another step up would be to biwire from the amp. My amp has 2 pairs of posts per channel and I Tri-wire my usher’s from the same cable manufacturer. 
I disagree with the "bad jumpers from manufacturers" statements...Alan Yun from Silverline said his jumpers, which came with my Prelude speakers, were excellent, and he also said Preludes sound better when not bi-wired...I made some jumpers from some premium (same stuff as the solid core speaker wire being used) cable anyway and yeah...he was right. I bi-wire my current speakers so it's mostly a moot thing, but I did try a single wired jumper swap with 3 options (two "premium" solid core jumpers and the stock brass ones) and the stock sounded better, but not as good as bi-wired (Klipsch Heresy IIIs).