Speakers near fireplace

I’m moving and in the new house it seems the best speaker position would be to have them on each side of the fireplace. They’re Vandersteen 2CE Signatures. I want to put them about a foot or so to the right/left of the fireplace and about 1-1/2 feet in front of the wall with the fireplace.

There are glass doors on the fireplace but I’m thinking of replacing that with a screen.

I would plan on putting the amp, etc. further to one side of the left speaker. The only real problem I see is that there will be a cable running across the floor (in front of the fireplace) to the right speaker. That and I will have one speaker close to the amp. In the past my rig was basically in the middle of both speakers, what’s the best way to handle 12’ of cable with only 2-3 feet needed on the one side?
Thanks all, The fireplace has glass doors if that will help.  Who know's what frequency they resonate at though. ;-)  I guess I'll find out.  
Where can I upload a file to show you all what I've got going on?
I would really question putting the speakers so close to the fireplace with the glass. If you convert back to a wire screen, you’re definitely asking for trouble. 1.5ft is nothing even though they’re off to the side. A decent fire puts out a lot of heat. And, it absolutely doesn’t all go up the flue. Add the radiant heat factor & you’ll toast those speakers over time. If you doubt how much heat they’ll be exposed to sit 1.5ft from the fireplace... with a really good fire. It sounds like you don’t have it but, I would never put speakers less than 5ft from a fireplace.

Just when we have all the technical electrical theory things balanced out, the tonearm adjusted & a listening sweet spot figured out... the real world laughs.

@tochsii I agree as far as the radiant heat goes. I could make some thin steel sheet panels as reflectors, that would likely mess with the sound too.

FWIW, I did some more layout using a solid modelling program and they’ll be closer to 28" out, and 38" off center. I used Richard’s room length (or width) divided by an odd integer for approximate placement.
Fires radiant lots of heat outward that’s why you have a fireplace. The shallower the box, the more outward heat. I have my speakers on both sides of my fireplace but there about 4’ from the firebox on each side. I’ve had no problems. I can’t tell if it effects the sound because I’m a 30yr carpenter and my ears are s^*t, especially my high frequency hearing. I’d worry about the heat. I’m sure they’ll sound great.