Speakers sonically similar to Sonus Faber?

I recently demoed the Sonus Faber Venere line (their cheapest, made in china line) and loved it. It was being powered by inexpensive gear (sonos server source, arcam DAC, some integrated elite pioneer). i liked it much better than much more expensive speakers powered by much more expensive gear.

sadly, even venere 2.5 is still a touch out of my price range. my question: are there other speakers that might be sonically similar for a lower price?

some info that might help:

-the speakers in question use a silk dome tweeter and curv cone drivers
-i liked that they were very smooth and dynamic, and also sounded very good off axis and outside the sweet spot
-my listening rooms are not big. 14x17 ish
-my sources are 100% digital
-bookshelf/monitor or floor standing are both fine, just nothing too big

these are some that i've read might be a good fit, but might be hard for me to demo before hand: harbeth P3ESR, KEF LS50, sjofne clue, totem-mani 2

thanks for any suggestions!

Showing 4 responses by tenken

after some additional research, seems like a used sonus faber grand piano might fit the bill.

second question, in case no one has any other suggestions: grand piano home, vs grand piano domus, vs grand piano concerto? thanks!
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I think it might be hard to demo some of those before purchasing.

If anyone in the DC area has any of the aforementioned speakers, I'd love to give them a listen.
thanks everyone for the suggestions.

i went to another showroom where i got to demo some of them.

they didn't have the venere, however they did have the liuto so i could compare to SF

i demoed the thiel cs2.7 and vienna acoustics mozart and beethoven along side the liutos.

bottom line: i very clearly preferred the liutos. the vienna acoustics are my second favorite. so far it seems sonus faber has a direct line to my ears/heart

i've got one more showroom to check out, where i'll listen to some KEFs, totem, revel, amphion, and aerial acoustics

Ps - you got the liuto for under 1500? talk about a steal i would take that deal in a heartbeat
so, has anyone heard odyssey kismet or lorelei, and also heard SF speakers (preferrably venere, liuto, or any grand piano model) and could compare them?

i have never listened to an odyssey speaker but between the looks and the reviews, i was always interested. many years ago, i had an opportunity to buy loreleis from a fellow agoner for 1400 shipped. i jumped on that but, supposedly, as the seller was packing them, he dropped and damaged them. i was really bummed out. i have a feeling that if i had actually received the speakers, i wouldn't be looking for new ones at this time

anyways, i'm pretty set on SF at this point but just wondering if anyone that has heard both brand could compare the two

oh and if anyone in the DC area has loreleis or kismet speakers i'd love to hear them!