Speakers suggestion help

Hi, I have come across 3 different pair of speakers within the same price.. It's hard for me to pick one... please suggest..
- Focal Electra 1038 BE - B&W 805 D3 - Focal JM Lab Diva Utopia.

I plan to add a sub into the system so bass is not a factor, I need a high and clear vocal mid-range...
Amp - Prima Luna EVO 400

Thank you.

For clear vocal midrange you really should listen to Maggies or Martin Logans or other electrostatics before settling on Focals.
Millercarbon - some people have said he gets paid for each reference to tekton  speakers. He thought they were the cats meow before he even heard them. Stick with your 3 if you want better speakers.
I would add revel to your list, not including the salon or studio, they need more power.
The B&Ws have the better midrange and treble so if you don't care about bass they're the clear choice, pardon the pun. 
+1 on Tekton

I have Primaluna Dialogue Premium separates HP amp on par with the Evo 400 (8 power tubes). I have Tekton Double Impacts that extensively upgraded. The midrange gives voices, strings and horns a realistic lifelike sound.
They're pretty good stock too.