Auditioning speakers is not easy. I went to a dealer a few weeks ago and listened to a pair of Vivid Kaya 90’s. I was very impressed and identified them among the short list of speakers I might buy. I then asked the dealer for a second audition but at a store branch that was much closer to my home. The difference in sound was night a day. Of course everything was different ... the room size and shape, all of the equipment used (amps, cables etc). My lesson here was that I will not buy a new speaker unless I have an in home demo or it can be returned. The room and equipment just make too big a difference. This has been said on this forum a thousand times but it’s the first time I have been confronted with just how dramatic a difference it can make. Suggest you do the same. If the dealer is not up for either option find a new dealer or new speaker options (Tekton, Revel, Tannoy, Maggie’s, ML, Vivid) are all great sounding speakers. They just need to be heard in your home, room, equipment.