Speakers that are matched well with Krell

I am looking for new speakers. My system is as follows. A Krell KRC-HR for a preamp, KAV250a for the amp, a KAV 300cd for my cd player, Nordost Red Dawn interconnects and Nordost Blue Heaven for my speaker wire. I am using Sonus Grand Piano speakers now. These speakers are from my dedicated home theater and I want to keep them there. Any opinions would be welcome.
I've paired my KAV 300i with 3 models of Sonus Faber and have been well pleased with all. The only difference was how many strands of OCOS speaker wire worked the best. I am using the Concerto Home currently and am enjoying a particularly nice soundstage.
Judit, I would try Analysis Plus oval 9 for single wiring. Or Oval 12 on bottom / Oval 14 on top if you bi-wire. This is what I plan on auditioning. There may be better out there but it will cost a lot more.
I'd recommend Dynaudio Contours - I had the KAV/250a and Contour 3.0 combo for a couple years, and recently upgraded to the FPB-200c. I really like the sound on all types of music, though rock and jazz are my two genres of choice.

I personally would steer clear of at least the monitor Krell speakers (and the others are way too pricey most likely). I listened to the Krell monitors ($10K retail) driven by the FPB, followed by the Dynaudio Contour 1.3SE monitors ($3500 retail) and it wasn't even close, IMO - I much preferred the Dynaudio's.
Thanks for all your opinions. Judit, now I am using Nordost Blue Heaven Bi-Wire for speaker cable but will go to the Red Dawn eventually. I really like the B&W 802's and am leaning this way. I showed my wife the 803's and the 802's, she liked the way the 802's look; that works for me.