Speakers that disappear

I once listened to some speakers where i was surprised by their disappearing act - I don't remember the brand - I think they were stand mounted. I am currently looking for speakers - not too big - and was hoping for recommendations - I know other components matter too but I understand some speakers are noted for this trait and some don't. I listen mostly to classical and vocals, lighter pop - no hard rock (I assume the Beatles and 60's count as "light" :) )  Speakers I have

Harbeth PS3ER XD,  

Martin Logan Stylos Speakers (wall mounted)
Aurum Cantus Leisure 2 Speakers, 

Enigma Speakers -   Enigma Oremus

Had Focal Aria 906



Concentric driver designs+a narrow baffle+attention paid to phase precision will tend to be holographic and disappear like a piece of cake...even if your room/setup is a bit suboptimal. If it fits your wallet, get a TAD E1TX. It isn’t very big and will be a significant step up (sonically) from what you currently have.


Or...here’s a less wallet abusing piece with some compromise from Technics (SB-G90M2)

"...speakers that disappear...." ?

Bluetoothed headphones, but keep a sub....coffee table disguised....

Hi Ahal,

Maybe you should research these speakers: www.bloomline.com. I've heard them play and they really are amazing! No sweet spot anymore at all. Even when you walk around, the music seems to come from a stage between the speakers when you're walking by. This really amazing system was invented by Leo de Klerk, a recording engineer. Based on laws of fysics and audio behaviour. 


Hope you'll find your perfect speaker. Success!

Post removed 

Whether or not your speakers disappear is system dependent.
My speakers lost that quality for a number of years.
I recently repaired/upgraded the electronics: amps, preamp, phonostage.
They disappeared again. 😊

The room may be the most important thing.