Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
After making my rash prediction about the Coincident Total Victories above (a bit over a year ago), they are history. I've replaced them with another high-efficiency dynamic speaker made in Toronto - the Fab Audio Model 1. These are remarkable speakers - a true 97db dynamic, with a much simpler crossover than the TVs, resulting in cleaner sound and an easier load.

If you want the imaging of mini-monitors, the purity and tonality of full-range electrostatics, the dynamics of horns and real bass, all in a room-friendly package that's drivable by 4 watts, these are the babies. I'm playing them with an Audion Silver Night PX25, and they are a serious step up from the big Total Victories.

There's no such thing as a "final speaker" - not for someone who has Stage III audiophilia nervosa...
I can't see myself ever leaving my Audio Physic Virgo 2s! They may be a little low end shy...but they really reproduce what is given to them. I recently added a Rel Storm...now I have it all!
In addition to their incredible natural dynamics, lack of compression, true full range, timbral truth and emotional communication, they free you from the need for high-power amps; select your amp based on its sound in the sub-1W range, and be free, my brothers!
I have had my Celestion SL600s since 1986. I love them. They have survived the Beard Audio/CJ/ARC and Cary amp/pre changes over almost 20 years. They have been back to England for new drivers once and the crossovers were rebuilt with better caps and wiring. My new Cary Silver Oak IIIs have not been able to eclipse them...soon the Carys will be for sale! Something about those ugly little spuds makes my ears happy!
Triode: What speakers are you referring to? Your post doesn't say!! I think you may have put it into a heading, but that doesn't come through.