Agree with the Magnepan 30.7. But as others say, it depends on what your priorities are. The Maggies excel on acoustical music, they have a spooky realism to them. Even my old Tympani IVa’s can be jaw-droppingly realistic (talk about bargains -- maybe $3000 used), and the 30.7’s better them in every respect.
- whats the downside to the maggies?
Well, Jonathan Valin said they didn’t have the most bass impact on rock. To put that in perspective, they measure flat to 20 Hz and my old Tympani IVa’s, which have less panel area, will do chest compression in my small room. But I don’t think Maggies and other planars are the best choice if you listen primarily to rock -- some will disagree. My IVa’s will cruise at 110 dB, which is plenty loud, but they won’t give you the ear-destroying SPL’s of something like a big Wilson, or the incredible dynamics of a horn.
I think the main drawback for most though is their size. They don’t really require a huge room, they place nicely in a room that’s 14’ wide -- but they are big and they have to be at least 5’ out from the wall behind them to sound their best (3’ is the minimum).
Still, Jonathan said you’d have to spend $100,000 to find speakers that sound as good and having heard them twice now I suspect he’s right.