Speakers with deep base

Looking for a speaker that will do deep and abundant base. Must have, at least in my view, at least 12''+ drivers. Thinking 5-7k in budget.

My room is 20 feet wide and 60 feet long.

Other restrictions on gear are really not an issue. I can buy what I need.

Thanks Ken
A speaker with a really deep bass, then look no further than a B&W 801 Nautilus. I have had the B&W Matrix, Series 3 and 801 Nautilus. Matrix 801 had pretty good bass with a 12-inch driver, but the 801 Nautilus was really something else with a 15-inch driver. The 801 Nautilus' bass was incredible and amazing. The bass strings on jazz recording really come alive...

I have auditioned Wilson Watt Puppies many times. They have pretty good bass, but not as powerful as the B&W Nautilus 801. Now if you are looking more for quick dynamics and transparency, Wilsons are hard to beat.

I have since moved on to Avalon speakers, but still miss the bass on the 801 Nautilus I used to have, and not by a little but by a lot!!!

Be careful what you wish for! If you had a graph of a speaker that had "abundant" bass then it might appear (and sound ) like the highs were rolled off.