Speakers with Lamm ML2.1

Hi everyone,

I recently got a pair of Lamm ML2.1 SET monoblock. I would like to get recommendations on speakers to match with this amp.

I have the Audio Research Reference 3 and Reference CD7. I have a well treated, dedicated listening room size 15x11x8.

Please feel free to make recommendations.

Hi Man,
Many well known audio folks have used your exact combination of components with the wilson maxx 2 to good effect. Should be in your price range. I believe 92 db efficient.
Avantgardes - whichever model suits your budget. I have Duo Omegas and they are a match made in heaven with my ML2s.
I should elaborate a little bit more. For the type of music that I listen to, Wilson just isn't soulful or involving. Wilson definitely has its strengths. It all depends on the music that you listen to. I have heard the X2 with Boulder, Maxx 3 with Audio Research, Maxx 3 with Nagra, and Watt Puppy 8 with Nagra.

Thank you all for the suggestions. I am getting a pair of Von Schweikert VR5-SE 94db.