Spectral audio today

Hi guys, been a Spectral fan in the early 90s but couldn't afford the gear at the time.I'm wondering how good are the latest Spectral pre-power compared to much more recent top SS brands like Gryphon, CH Precision, Dartzeel, Soulution, Audionet, Boulder, D'agostino, Burmester and so on.Is Spectral still competitive vs modern high end brands ?It is very difficult to audition Spectral gear as they have very little distribution now days.Thanks.
Since the new SV series 2 has been released you may start to see the original SV coming up on the used market. The SV is way better in my opinion than the older stuff. More organic and natural no brightness at all. The older spectral could sound a little clinical and dry if the setup wasn’t perfect.  The SV series I can listen to for hours. It’s a very clear clean window into the music,  very real and I don’t even have the Spectral amp yet. 
If the new Spectral SV series is much better sounding and more organic (Per carey1110 "way better" ) than the older models I heard that is good news.  I wonder what changes were implemented with circuit/part selection to eliminate the pervasive dry clinical character.  Good for Spectral. 
There is some info online about it has to do with a new transistor designed by spectral eliminating “thermal tails”. It’s very technical and way over my head. Has to do with how the value of transistors can change during the heating up when a signal is introduced. IDK? All I know is the smoothness in high frequencies is amazing. Almost a life like warmth to the sound.  Night and day to me from the older gear I had. I’m very excited to get the Amp down the road. 
@carey1110  are you going to get the DMA 300SV ?I talked to someone who auditioned the DMC 30SV DMA 500 Anniversary combo, he said it's pretty good but but also said CH Precision and top of the line Gryphon is much better.