Spectral DMC 6 Preamp

If anyone has an owners manual or have knowlege on how to set the phono stage on the Spectral DMC 6 kindly advise.

Many Thanks,

Showing 1 response by faust

Hi Ferrari
With the preamp facing you and top cover removed.
On the left hand side is the phono stages with dip switches
marked 800/100/30/10. setting the desired dip sw to (on)
loads the stage.They are not addative so select only one.
If 47K for mm is desired than select none(all off).
Now three inches to the right of said dip sw is the gain
potentiometer 0-100. use a small screwdriver to set the
gain in relation to the main volume control.
Mine sets at 100 ohms load and 50% gain for ortofons kontra A m/c.