Spendor D7 vs. Spendor A7

I recently listened to a pair of Spendor D7 speakers and was very impressed by them.  Has anyone heard them and compared them to the Spendor A7?  Unfortunately, I am not able to hear them at the same time.  Talking to a dealer over the phone, he said they sound very different.  Any relevant opinions will be appreciated.  
Thank you.

Really appreciate this input.  Exactly the type of feedback I was looking for.  Thanks.
@milpai  or @drrsutliff 

The consensus is that the Spendor D series is better than the Spendor A7.  In a small room, 13X11, would the D7 be okay or would the bass be too much for the room?  Since my last post, I did hear the A7 in my house and the bass was fine and not excessive.  I worry the D7 with its two woofers will produce too much bass.
I have heard the A7 and was impressed with the amount of bass it could produce. The D7 has one bass driver and one that does bass and midrange (2 1/2 way).  I have a 14 x 15 room with the D9 with it’s two true bass divers and it almost exceeds my room’s abilities but I do have a lot of room treatments. The D7 will have a more refined presentation than the A7.
The D7 would be better suited to your room. You will be thoroughly disappointed with the D9 in a 13X11 room. If you can "pull" the D7s in the room, say about 36" from back wall and 18"-24" from side walls, you should have amazing music.
Like @drrsutliff mentioned, the D9 will either overwhelm the room, or the bass waves will cancel out and kill your musicality.
I had home audition of the A7s and D9s. I purchased the A7s for my 15'x24'x8' room. To my ears, the A7s just sounded more musical. I preferred high frequency and imaging of the A7s. I had the coin and space for the D9s, but just preferred the A7s. This confirmed my findings at the Tampa Audion Show in February. Low end is impressive on these, but I have order a pair of REL S/3s to compliment these wonderful mains.