Splendor D9’s.2 vs B&W 803 D2 which I own

I’ve had the 803 D2’s for about 9 months now and enjoy them but they don’t connect with me for all music, especially more rock oriented music. They excel at jazz and even country! Because of them, I’ve become quite the jazz fan. But, most of my collection is rock of many varieties, so I’ve always been kind of curious about other options. I’m visiting Houston this week and there’s a pair of Spendor D9.2’s that interest me. I read they are pretty neutral and a bit more fast sounding. I’m thinking they could be a fit and the owner says I can audition if I’m a serious buyer. To me the B&W’s are more on the laid back side. This is based on my limited exposure to speakers but will say they are not as forward/fast as my previous Cornwall II’s or maybe even Triton 1’s. Any thoughts how the Spendor D9.2’s would compare to the 803 D2’s and if they would be more versatile for rock? Thx. 

Livingston 532H
Audible Illusions L3 preamp
Herron phono preamp
Technics 1200 G
Sony HAP Z1 server
McIntosh MB 50 Streamer/DAC
Assortment of mid to lower level IC’s
AQ Rockefeller speaker cables
Ag insider logo xs@2xbfoura
+1 for the Spendors. I heard the D7s and they sounded musical. I did hear some rock music on the smaller Spendors and they rocked. No doubt the updated bigger brother (D9.2) will take it to the next level of scale and dynamics. But make sure that you have enough room for these speakers to breath. What is your room size?
I appreciate the feedback @milpai. My room is 26x13 with a vaulted ceiling that goes from 8’ to 9’ to 4’ behind my listening couch. My speakers are 9’ apart and my listening position is 9’ away. There are a pair of D7’s listed in Houston and might be able to audition. I thought the D9’s would be a better fit but know the D7’s are highly regarded. 
You are welcome @bfoura. Just make sure that you have at least 36" behind the speakers. With your room, you can easily do 60" behind the speakers and 36" to the sides. This would give you the most transparent sound and the bass will not overpower the room. The imaging would also be great, such that you can hear music beyond the speaker boundaries. The D7s are great. But the sense of scale and weight of the 9 series would be on a completely different plane. If your room and budget can accommodate it, then I encourage you to go with the bigger speaker.
More imaging and a bit more bass would be nice! The 803’s produce respectable bass but not like the sub power GE Triton 1’s or my Cornwall’s with 15” woofer. The Corns produce the best bass of all the speakers I’ve owned. I’ll play around with placement on the 803’s to see if I can increase imaging. But looking forward to demoing the D9.2’s. 
I was able to demo the Spendor D9.2’s and they were impressive. I get the faster transient thing with this particular speaker. I think they would work well for what I’m seeking right now in my audiophile journey. However, the owner was powering them with Boulder amp and preamp, along with some exotic silversmith speakers wire. Is that a fair demo? My system as noted above is nice but no where near the Boulder level components. Will I be disappointed if I get them in my system?