SS integrated amp w/ A&B speaks & remote

Looking to upgrade my HK 3470 reciever in the bedroom for a SS integrated amp with selectable A&B speaker output and remote control. Used or new for roughly $1000. Not sure about power rating but I do listen at low and high volumes and like it clean and friendly at all levels. Can we do any better?

HK 3470 Reciever (100 wpc rms I believe)
Not too bad or good sounding!

B&W DM602 S3 in bedroom 10'X 14'X 8' wall mounted on short wall (not sure about wires yet)

JBL PRO CONTROL 28 mounted in backyard underneath eve for 20'X 20' deck (50' run of 12 ga in-wall wire)

Any suggestions on things to listen to would be great THANX
The NAD C372 has both. I owned the model it replaced, the C370, and enjoyed my time with it.
I agree with the Creek 5350 (I have the SE model). Of course it would be better to audition it with your speakers. Are the B&Ws bright? Do they need much power? I am running my 5350SE with Von Schweikert VR-1s which have a fabric 1" tweeter so they appreciate the detail of the Creek at the high end. Another option I hear is the Primaluna tube based amp, if they can drive your speakers. New $1000 or $1350 depending on the model. Kevin is a great guy to work with. They also have excellent used equipment for sale. Good luck!
The Creek 5350se will be hard to beat. A good friend of mine has one and it always amazes me on how good it sounds.


FYI, I don't think the PrimaLuna has either of the features that were requested (A&B speaker connection, remote).