Stack Audio Auva Isolator

I just ordered a set of these. They are supposed to be better than the Iso-Acoustics or even the Townshend podiums for speakers.

Anyone try these yet?

Auva Isolator - Stack Audio



Thank you.

I will start with the spikes underneath them.

BTW, they have already been shipped! Thus far, very good communications and customer service.


Ozzy I have the AUVAs under my Legacy Audio Signature SEs. I am also using the spikes. My experience is very close to Wig’s. Wider soundstage, smoother yet more detail. I really like them. Sorry I can’t compare to any others as after researching these were the ones I went with. I also got the EQs for components. Liked what I heard with those as well. 

Do also have carpet under the speaker spikes? I have a very thin carpet with no padding over a cement floor.
