Stack Audio-SmoothLAN Network Filter- WOW!

I just received this item that I purchased from Stack Audio after being impressed with the AUVA 100 Speaker footers.

For any of the Audio Streamers out there, my initial comment as to this item: The SmoothLAN Network Filter is WOW!

From first plug in, the soundstage deepened and widened immensely. How the heck this occurs is nothing short of amazing. I have tried many of the major brand ethernet filters, and some of them, maybe, did something. But not enough to keep them. I either sent them back or sold them. I did however keep an iFi Silencer unit.

My digital streaming consists of an EtherRegen sending out the signal via Fiber to my Lumin X1. I have the Stack Audio device going into the EtherRegen from the Modem.

And, since I have my Apple TV coming out of the EtherRegen it will be interesting to see if the Video improves.

Check out the review in EAR.

Stack Audio Smooth-LAN For Clean Streaming | The Ear (



Listening with the Smooth Lan inserted between the LHY SW8 network switch amd tjeLumin U2 Mini I have mixed feelings. Treble is definitley rolled off, soundstage seems to have shrunk and sounds more foward. The only thing I like so far is the blacker background it produces. I will experiment with the SL in a different position.

@evank I had a similar impression at first, especially the treble issue.  Had it in for a few weeks and then took it out. Yes more treble, but I would suggest you examine the quality of that treble closely. I put the Smoothlan back in and did not like the sound for a couple days, but it improved and I adjusted, with the end result I think is a net improvement in sound quality. All that said, my ears are not great with the highs, so you may be noticing more change than I did.

@zlone I too took it out and put it back in due to the decreased noise. I only have about 2 days so I am hoping it just needs to settle in

Finally got to sit down now and listen since last night. The SL has smoothed out. Everything I heard last night has changed for the better. My soundstage is back as well as the highs. Added bonus is the reduced noise floor which gives more definition to the music.

@evank Finally got to sit down now and listen since last night. The SL has smoothed out. Everything I heard last night has changed for the better. My soundstage is back as well as the highs. Added bonus is the reduced noise floor which gives more definition to the music.

Good to hear that it is working for you again. This pretty much mirrors my experience.