stanton str 8 80 ?

hi i would put on an ortofn ff15xe 2  on small arm would work ? for hif am hurting reccords ?no dj thanks.
Chakster  originally you were critical of the Stanton tonearm because of its short length and lack of headshell offset angle. I am saying that the tonearm fits into a class of underhung tone arms, and that such tonearms have a great deal of merit as compared to overhung tonearms. I did not say anything about quality of construction. Of course quality of construction will have an affect on performance . Also, I am not claiming that underhung is per se a better idea, just that it is worthy of respect. So what is your problem?

 I noticed you couldn’t avoid  touching on your other obsession, with spherical styli. I don’t think the shape of the stylus tip will have any bearing on the difference in performance between a given overhung and a given underhung tonearm. I realize that when the Stanton tonearm which you apparently dislike is combined with a spherical stylus which I also know you dislike, it really adds up. 
Yes, i dislike Stanton Group products, but i like the Stanton Magnetics Inc produsts. Two different companies from two different eras. Not everyone clearly understand it. 

I'm just trying to put the things together: cheap DJ turnable, Short tonearm with unknown geometry, Bonded Conical styli .... all these things are a part of one chain that Stanton Group responsible for, this stuff made not for Audiophiles, not even for Hi-Fi home aplication, but for a scratch deejays/teenagers who can't even afford Technics for some reason. 

The OP said: " no dj thanks "
Not sure what does it mean, but this is a cheap DJ turntable and cheap dj tonearm for scratching. Maybe it's better to avoid it if he is concerning about it ? In his previous post he has mentioned DJ Craze signature cartridge released by Stanton Group. He's on the wrong path.  

A Hi-Fi turntable and Hi-Fi cartridge could be a better choice in this situation. 

I can't remember any Hi-Fi turntable with underhung tonearm with no offset angle on the headshell. 

Just sayin' 

And I’m just saying please read my post with a more open mind. The tonearm is not “short”; it’s designed to underhang the spindle. All such tonearms can be shorter than any overhung tonearm and do function just fine. The geometry is not “unknown”. Underhung tonearms are a legitimate approach to tonearm design. Those were the very points I was trying to make. I certainly have no idea how the Stanton sounds, but if it sounds bad that’s because of execution, not its design.