To me its not just what amp modules the amps use(which are very important) but the way all of it was designed together, state of the art clocks, dacs etc and how Bel Canto has incorporated them. the Black sytem is truly greater than the sum of its parts. Amazing sound, and once again, I am a tube guy. If I could afford it, I would buy it.
State of the art, Bel Canto Black.
For all of you that have not heard it, the new new Bel Canto Black system is an absolute must hear product, even if you cant afford it. One of the best systems I have heard regardless of cost. Its a system, controller pre amp, and mono block dacs with amps in a single chassis. I am a tube guy, and could not believe what I was hearing from DIGITAL amps, The unforced resolution and "live sound" was amazing. Truly a breakthrough product. Has anyone else heard this system?
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