state songs -- our suggestions?

Fourth of July got me thinking about state songs... for the most part, they're obscure, to say the least, with a few notable exceptions. Go take a look at and see if you agree. I thought it would be fun to see if we could compile a list of state songs drawn from the more familiar catalog of commercial and standards. For instance, for Oklahoma, why not "Oklahoma!" from the musical? For New York, how about Billy Joel's "New York State of Mind"? For California, isn't there some old standard that starts "California, here I come, right back where I started from"? For some states, we might rely on songs associated with prominent cities or geographical features. For example, for Illinois, there's "My Kind of Town (Chicago Is)". Colorado has "Rocky Mountain High", and Indiana has "On the Banks of the Wabash". The real challenge will be to find a song associated with North and South Dakota!
For Tennessee, I vote for "Volunteers" by Jefferson Airplane. I've already heard enough Rocky Top around here to last me a lifetime.
South Carolina's motto is "We don't give a damn how you did it up north" or We're dumb and proud of it". There's got to be a song in there somewhere!!!