Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
I know Audio Intelligent products & have spoken to the owner several times. Audio Intelligence products are respected by audio reviewers & many of my audio friends for good reason - They work to reduce many disavantages of record cleaning.

Nevertheless, it is my view (supported by actual listening experiments) that all record cleaning fluids leave a sonic fingerprint (some more/some less ) that is only appreciated following steam rinses or water baths. Keep in context that every Institution in the Western World that stores recorded music for future generations supports water rinses.

It is my view that steam rinses do the job faster , not that rinses don't provide a potentally smoother finish to the cleaning process. Its a matter of time & I am persuaded that time may be worth the effort.

A secondary issue is system transparency. The more you have, the greater the available detail. Unfortunately, many well intended analog front ends have issues either the as result of set-up ,or limits to transparency via system matching.

There are several excellent books on the matter. George Merrills "Turntable Set-Up" & Jim Smith's "Get Better Sound" are resources we all should own & use. Many other excellent articles exist on "Tracking Angle" and in back issues of "TAS" , "Stereophile" & "Audio".

I am of the view that what you hear is a mix of compromises, some good & some not so good. Without an extensive self-education & subsequent re-education , evaluation and regular re-evatuation, system issues will filter into the listening experience.

Nothing could be more true than that in the world of analog. Changes in the weather cause a need to tweek one's turntable & tonearm. Not apprecating those changes can result in slight smearing of mid-range. Phono cartridge suspension's change/age over time, some very quickly. All of these challenges confront a LP listener.

If you can't hear certian differences from steaming , so many varables exist that its sometimes a challenge to discern. Re-read the inital reviews of RCMS vs buyer complaints . Its not that RCMS did a poor job , but LPS with a history of 6 , 12 to 20'ish gram tracking weights were impossible to rehab they were so gouged out. Only the inital RCM user did not appreciate that fact. The Record Cleaning Magnets spent years educating the public via the print media at great expense.

Its my view that we are repeating history to a degree. As we move forward with new innovative ideas , new challenges crop-up. In a world of "Make-It-Happen-Yesterday" analog is at a distinct disadvantage to digital. No matter what limitations of CDS, they are easy to use & require almost no maintance. LPS are difficult to extract that SOTA sound but when you do , by effort or chance, now that's an experience.

The end-user will never get to the "Land of Qz" because it does not exist. With persistence you may see the turrents.
Hi Crem, what do you mean by this?
LPS are difficult to extract that SOTA sound but when you do , by effort or chance, now that's an experience.
Hopefully you're not talking Sota turntables....
Changes in the weather cause a need to tweek one's turntable & tonearm. Not apprecating those changes can result in slight smearing of mid-range,

Crem1- If you can detect mid-range smearing during changes in the weather you are an audio GOD. I can not even imagine that level of audible acuteness in a bat. You certainly have been blessed. I will read your future posts with a different view, one of reverence.
Keep up the good work,
The notion that changes in weather conditions might reguire some tweaking of one's playback system is not farfetched. The Magnepan Unitrac instruction book/setup guide mentions this possibility with regard to their tonearm.

It puzzles me that everyone here gets widely varying results from steaming. I have found it pretty effective in removing dirt, crud, or whatever you want to call it. It doesn't perform miracles and heal damaged vinyl. Also, I have never (thus far) had a problem with labels coming off because of steaming. The only thing I don't like about it is that it is time consuming.
In my view, tonearms such as the Schroder Reference ($7,500 & up) need to be re-tuned in response to weather changes. I am a fan of Frank's work & consider his tonearms works of Art. With a Schroder , weather changes scream-out to you. After you understand that one can use that as a reference point for many other Tonearms. In my view, the reason so many perfectly splended Tonearms appear on AG has to do with adjustment issues , mal-adjustments with phono cartridges having nothing to do with performace.For instance, Maplenoll Tonearms are air bearing as is the platter. Barometric changes change the alignment of the cartridge & height of the platter. Slight alignment problems "blurr" the delicate sound of a performace. Ms. Lumley was way ahead of her time, (see TAS 1983 & up). The information I outline is far-less available in a hard-rock LP but quite discernable in classical performaces. Z: If you want,God, find religion not 2 channel stereo . Set-up is everything. As for bats they use sonic vibes , our hearing is different. I do enjoy watching them against a Maryland Sky near dusk. I reside next to a Wildlife Sanctuary. Thank you for Honoring Bats.