Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
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Zenblaster-I think we're of the same mind-I, too, came on this thread and thought it might hold useful info for LP cleaning. I made no posts until I found an obvious error (Type 1 water cost), and a logic thread that needed disputing (simply because someone says 'Aquafina' is pure water doesn't necessarily make it so).

In fact, I have had an email correspondence with 'Stltrains' that was informative and...great. Looking at his web personality, and his youtube vinyl-steaming video, perhaps he should take over as 'Steaming Head Honcho'-he certainly seems to have less ego involved, and seems much more directed to simply wanting clean records.

Be that as it may, since I'm also interested in planar speakers, I'd like to have a link to the thread that you spoke of. PM is fine as to not take away from the important business at hand.
Johnbrown i dont believe we need a single person here to lead the discussions. We are all in this together for better playback of our records. As you found out for yourself steaming lps can improve the sound and reduce the surface noise for a quitter lp. Thats why i believe this thread should stop being hijacked by posters whos only goal is not interest in steaming or better play back but stirring the pot instead.

Tvad if you are so interested in the differences in the 3 waters you keep mentioning why dont you try using them in your method of cleaning vinyl and report back to us on your findings. More than one persons experience with those waters could be beneficial to the group. What do you think.
In fact, I have had an email correspondence with 'Stltrains' that was informative and...great. Looking at his web personality, and his youtube vinyl-steaming video, perhaps he should take over as 'Steaming Head Honcho'-he certainly seems to have less ego involved, and seems much more directed to simply wanting clean records.

No, no. no, Charlie/Crem is the rightful steam cleaning head honcho, He has spent more time and effort on this than any human and deserves to be Top Dog. My position is that the value of any idea or processes directly corresponds to the quality, depth and breadth of criticism it can withstand.