Step up from AT150MLX on Technics 1200


I have been enjoying my AT 150MLX for about 18 months now with a Jolida JD9 and Technics 1200 table.

However, the upgrade bug is biting and I would appreciate any advice on some choices to consider for an upgraded cartridge.

There is nothing wrong with the AT150, I just wonder what I might be missing. I have been reading about Nagaoka MP500 and Ortofon 2M Black but do not know that these would be that much better for like twice the price of the AT150.

I have class D amplification and Maggie 3.6's so a cartridge with a little bit more warmth and bass would seem to make sense due to the leaness of the SS and Maggies.

Has anyone else made a change from the AT150 and got to something that they like better? And why!?


Cartridges do not go bad. It either works, or it doesn't. It is the stylus or its cantilevers suspension that wears out. Both get replaced when you install a new stylus replacement. There are no moving parts in a cartridge so there is nothing to wear.
It's really hard to upgrade from the AT150MLX without spending a lot more money. The AT440ML is a big step backward. A few reviews have mentioned the 440's upper midrange glare, which is probably due to the plastic body resonance. The 150MLX has a thick, solid aluminum body. The internals may be similar, but the damping and mechanical construction are significantly diffferent.
The 150 and 440 have different generators. The 440 treble glare comes from a rising high end and a cantilever resonance at 16KHz. The resin body is probably less resonant than the metal shell of the deluxe bodied 150. Both need < 200pF capacitance and to cure the 440 treble, load it around 30K or fit it with a 150 stylus.

I think the MP500 is more bass oriented and it might be more like the sound you're looking for. You might want to try a couple of 400K resistors in parallel with your phono input before you spend more money. This will take your input impedance to 42K and make it slightly less bright w/more bass.
The 150MLX is an extremely good value. The other carts you're considering cost twice as much and are just different, not necessarily better IMO. Maybe the money would be better spent on other items in your system?


11-16-14: Fleib
The 150 and 440 have different generators. The 440 treble glare comes from a rising high end and a cantilever resonance at 16KHz. ... Both need < 200pF capacitance and to cure the 440 treble, load it around 30K or fit it with a 150 stylus.
You're right about that. The optimum capacitance loading is a very narrow range. I was using a Jolida JD9A phono stage, which is highly configurable. Its capacitance loadings were 0, 47pF, 100 pF, 200, 300, and maybe more. The SL12x0's cable has 100 pF capacitance. I found that the optimum was right in the middle between 100 and 200 pF, at the 47pF setting (+100pF in the cable). 200pF sounded OK but not quite as good to my ears as the 147 total.

I have since switched to an older MAGI Phonomenal all-tube line stage. While the newer version has a 0pF setting, mine starts at 100 pF, meaning a total of 200pF. It sounded OK but was a touch bright, so I added the 1-ohm resistors to my Magneplanar 1.7s and that fixed it. Good thing, because--like its name suggests--this phono stage is phenomenal.
I have the AT 150MLX (which I still cycle in on occasion). I replaced it with the Zu DL 103. I think that the Zu 103 is a fantastic cartridge. Super musical. Very engaging. Well worth the money but still within a 'reasonable' price point.