Stereophile complains it's readers are too informed.

I believe standards are real,, but I will not mention any product names.
SEAS is The Gold Standard.
Scan Speak and SB are excellent, 
but I will not mention any product names.
I was, and remain, remorseful, that John A stepped down and this person took on the role.  
The measurements will continue under the new editor.

We will take the reviewers like Herb at their word.

And then each of us draws his own conclusions.

I liken it to adult entertainment - don't ask for training wheels, because then you rob yourself of much of the pleasure.

As to those who cite the ASR website and its measurements-above-and-beyond-all-other-criteria credo as a corrective to Stereophile's modus operandi, the sound quality profiles of the gear ASR measures are 1 to 2 sentence afterthoughts... and you think that is a better approach to informing potential buyers of how a particular product might actually SOUND in their systems?

Respectfully, I think not.
I think I've mentioned this in a post somewhere in the semi-distant past, but I find Stereophile vastly more informative, entertaining and readable than it was several years previously.  Sure, I use the magazine to glean info about the hobby and to get tips on where to next spend my inexhaustible pile of audio-oriented cash (in case you don't get it I'm just kidding here), but I mostly read the mag because I just enjoy it.  I don't  get huffy when an opinion doesn't go my way. ("Ugh!  Those tuttis are too fruity!")  I enjoy a touch of hyperbole.  It adds energy and verve.  The hobby is a playground for folks like me, i.e., folks who just like music.  I'd rather be spending my money here than playing the tables in Vegas.