Stereophile "coverage"

Stereophile must enjoy all the negative reaction they get out of their choices of what to cover. Witness the latest cover story, the new Krell LAT-1 speaker. Here, from the biggest of the big advertisers, we get basically immediate cover-story coverage of their latest release, a $37,500 speaker. Stratospheric. The reviewer (who amazingly wasn't Jonathon Scull, with something of this price), is extremely positive while almost seeming to forget the price of this beast. It doesn't go much below 40Hz and it measures horribly. I guess you'll have to wait for their $75K model to get around those obstacles, though the option to pair the LAT-1's with some Krell Master subs is offered up to get down below 40Hz.

So, a super-expensive speaker coupled with other reviews of >$8K components ("you guys never review affordable stuff!"), immediate, feature coverage of a new Krell product ("You guys pander to your advertisers!"), and a very positive review of gear that nobody would argue measures respectably (at any price) ("You guys always give good reviews!"), on top of the usual reduced size of the magazine in the middle of the summer - the August issue should keep the negative feedback coming in full doses.

The whole issue was disapointing. There are frequently issues with no equipment reviews I'm interested in, but there's no excuse for the lame music session in the latest issue. The interview with Marsalis was about the only thing positive (and Astor's place--I always like that column).
Pretty slim issue!

What I did a double take on was the complaint on the frequency response graph on the Audio Physic Avanti speaker further in the mag. (I think it was a sharp dip somewhere between 2-4K.) Looking back at the Krell response graph, it was much more rough, peaks and dips all over the place from midrange on up, with or without the grills. The Avanti appears much smoother at 1/3 the price. But what do I know?I own Quad 63s. Maybe I can't read the graphs too well, either.
If I owned quad 63s I wouldn't care about graphs either. A friend of mine has them running with audio inovations.....lovely.....cheers, Bluenose
I didn't get my issue this month. Over the weekend, I checked it out in a local bookstore, and decided it was not worth buying. Maybe I shouldn't feel so bad about it...
Actually Stereophile HT reviewed the sunfire signature and gave it thier highest recommendations! If your gonna bash something at least get your facts straight. I like the mag, I'm sorry if you guys cant afford what they review, start reading something else. You guys sound like the critics that dump on stern...if you dont dig it, dont read it! .... But please stop bitching.