Stereophile review of the $30,000 tekton speakers

We have had many discussions/arguments over tekton speakers in the past, mainly involving a couple posters who thought their $4000 tektons sounded better than the highest price Wilson’s and other high budget speakers.

In the latest Stereophile magazine, they did a review of the $30,000 tekton’s. In this Steteophile issue, they rate these $30,000 tekton’s as class B. When you look at the other speakers that are in the class B section, you will notice most of these speakers range in price from $5000-$8000. So it looks like you have to spend $30,000 on a pair of tekton’s to equal a pair of $5000 Klipsch Forte IV’s sound quality. 
If I compare these $30,000 class B tekton’s, to some of the class A speakers, there are some class A speakers for 1/2 the price (Dutch & Dutch 8C, Goldenear triton reference), or other class A speakers that are cheaper (Magico A5, Kef blade 2).




I just speak about what is possible to improve the sound quality and the Xover is a weakness on most loudspeakers 

@audioman58 - are you referring to parts quality, xover design weakness, or both?

I didn't read all the replies, and this must be in there somewhere, but the Moabs with full Be upgrade, full X-over upgrade and grills come in at $18945. Where do they get $30,000?

FWIW, proud Moab with single Be tweeter upgrade owner.  

I think he means that a great crossover is the one that does the least damage and causes the fewest problems. Each type has its pros and cons with first order often considered the best, but limiting in terms of driver flexibility.