Still Looking for a DAC - Audio Mirror Tubadour v and ANK Audio 5.1

So, folks, after returning the Lab12 DAC Reference due to its incompatibility with my CDP, I’m still looking for one. There are two devices that I’m interested in - Audio Mirror Tubadour V and ANK Audio 5.1 Signature or Professional 

If anyone is familiar with those please do share your thoughts.



I built a AN 2.1 which was wonderful sounding, but not detail oriented.  Very musical.  

I have the AMT V with about 30 hours of streaming/CD listening.  It is a very revealing DAC.  Not the "tube glow" of the AMT 3 SE ( I upgraded to the V) or the AN, but very musical with great detail and soundstage.  No fatigue at all.   I recently listened to a much more expensive Linn DAC.  Now it was on a 750k system.  Really lovely.  The characteristics of the AMT V ware very similar.  I won't be able too, but I would really love to drop the AMT V into that system rather than my mid-fi system.  The V is definitely a keeper.  I would suggest Vlad to see if you can have a home demo period.

So, folks, got the AMT V past Friday. Great service from Vlad.
Honestly, gotta say I was really disappointed, because it’s so bright that triggers my tinnitus. After 3 days of listening, now it’s more or less listenable. Vlad offered to try AMT IV, but I really don’t know what to do, I’ve never tried other AMT DACs. Plus the signal delay when changing the source is really long and annoying, but I assume many DACs have that. In any case, as of today, it sounds better than Lab12 Ref1, which I had a couple of months back, but the AMT is just much more detailed. Will keep you updated.

Given your system and from what I’ve read of AM DACs I find it very surprising you’d find it bright unless maybe it’s not yet broken in or if there’s an issue with the unit.  I’m really hoping you’re not using Nordost Frey interconnects BTW, but still.  Honestly this doesn’t make much sense to me on the face of it.