Still Looking for a DAC - Audio Mirror Tubadour v and ANK Audio 5.1

So, folks, after returning the Lab12 DAC Reference due to its incompatibility with my CDP, I’m still looking for one. There are two devices that I’m interested in - Audio Mirror Tubadour V and ANK Audio 5.1 Signature or Professional 

If anyone is familiar with those please do share your thoughts.



Take it to the Mod's to prohibit a Post if they decide the content is 'Prolix' .

I attempt to share experiences had, and nothing else. Which in all cases of my reporting, is a subjective assessment on how I was influenced.

I don't expect anybody to take on my experiences had, that can be replicated and come to the same description as a assessment, even when unanimous is used, as a outcome during a group experience, there will still be differences of opinion on how stimulating/influencing the experience was between individuals.


Guys, please stay on topic, I already bought whatever I wanted a half a year ago, and don’t need recommendations. If you have something to say about this particular DAC, then go ahead, otherwise as far as I’m concerned this thread is closed. Thank you. 

@pindac, post whatever you wish, it’s just irrelevant to this particular topic, since I’m long done with the DAC search.