Stillpoints Aperture or Synergistic UEF panels Which one?

Stillpoints Aperture or Synergistic UEF panels Which one?
Both of these products have received rave reviews. The Stillpoints appear to be 4 times the cost of that of the Synergistic Research.

Currently, I am using some convoluted foam panels at the first and second reflection points and I also have many of the Synergistic HFT's through out the room. I also have ASC bass traps in all 4 corners.

I just tried a SR HFT in the center of the acoustic convoluted form panel and son of a gun it did lock in the soundstage. So, now I would like to pursue further with trying either one of these panels.

I have read somewhere that the SR HFT's do not work well with the SR UEF panels, which to me seems strange.

Any opinions would be appreciated.

It looks like on the SR website it is compatible with everything but the original HFT? It's on the compatibility page for acoustics. Bummer - Alfred is usually pretty good at responding. 
Ozzy, how are the speaker hft's from SR?  these have been on my list to try -  want to make sure that it still stays warm and musical - and doesn't get too 'dry' if you know what I mean? 
Thanks wisper,

I only have the original HFT's and my DIY versions. A lot of them in fact. Wonder why they are not compatible?

The Fed Ex man just now finally delivered the Stillpoints for my trial. So we shall see what the fuss is about. Much more expensive than the SR, but perhaps my HFT's will work magic with them?

So I was able to talk to Betty from High End Audio. She said the reason that the SR panels and the HFT's don't play well together is because the HFT's vibrate and enhance the soundstage, while the panels absorb. Sort of like each is fighting the other.

Well, I have been using the Stillpoints at the first reflection point and I can tell right away that there is a better vocal presentation, more realistic if you will. Not sure but I think the bass has diminished. I need to listen more before any conclusion. BTW, I am using them with my HFT's.

I have been so impressed with the Stillpoints Aperture ll's that I went ahead an ordered a pair. The soundstage is not only clearer, but even deeper and wider. 
Hard to believe, I thought that I had already achieved the best I could with my equipment and room. I guess someday I will purchase a few more.

Question for those who own them:
How high should they be placed? Ear level? Covering the mid and tweeter? I am using a chair to experiment with the demos now.

Thank you all for the help.
