Stillpoints - snake oil?

Anybody here using Stillpoints Ultras? My dealer thinks highly of them, but I am very suspicious.
Jim, thanks for that information. Understanding the problems vibration creates in our audio system there is no reason to doubt that these devices do work as designed. 
Listen first to decide if they improve what you hear in your room. 
Mapleshade heavyfoot(feet) anyone? Their considerable mass seem to me to be a strong selling point. 
Re. Mapleshade: I just had a look at their site and their products seem sound and well thought. I'm a fan of solid butcher block bases and iso pads, as a platform for components, particularly TTs and CDPs. Also the design of the three point tips on the top side of their Micropoint Megafeet, although a bit pricey, is a good design to insure a good coupling to the component. On standard designed tip-toes, I put a thin disc of dense felt, between the flat base of the tip-toe cone and the component - to reduce the chance of vibrations between the tip-toe and the component.
@twoleftears: Looks like a good product. They should be very effective for dampening and isolation. At that price - what's to loose....Jim
Regarding Stillpoints: WOW - very fancy! At $695.00 pr. footer, so about $2,100. per component - it seems like a real expensive way to handle the problems of vibration and resonance in an audio system, when there are other (as, or more effective) ways to solve those problems, with considerably less cost.
Not judging how anyone spends their money - just sayn...Jim
A somewhat obvious thought (to me at least) is that the dealer should be willing to demo identical systems with and without Stillpoints to give prospective purchasers a chance to hear any differences without having to take them home first. I understand that each of us might not get the same results with our own systems as the ones in the store but if you don't hear any differences between the two (or three or more if application variations are possible) whilst there, you likely won't at your home either....